IOCAS-IR  > 海洋环流与波动重点实验室
关键词海豚 饲养 疾病诊治 环境标本库
摘要以馆养北太平洋宽吻海豚为研究对象,在海豚馆和水族馆等场所开展了大量的现场实验和行为学研究;通过出海考察、“调查卡”统计、整理历史资料等方式,总结了中国海洋哺乳动物的资源现状,并对我国典型海域中的海洋哺乳动物标本通过目前较为先进的中子活化(INAA)等技术进行了一系列的分析研究。主要结果如下: 1通过对海豚馆的先后10头海豚进行的长达5年的现场实验,首次提出并建立了适合海豚生长的水质标准体系,其中,盐度范围是29-32,PH值范围是7.8-8.2,氯浓度范围是0.3—1.5mg/L,溶解氧范围为5.0—8.8×10~(-6),大肠菌群不超过200MPN等等,这为国内各地海兽馆中的海兽饲养提供了参照标准,为我国海兽饲养业的发展提供了可靠的基础资料。2 通过对海豚的每一批饵料鱼体营养成分的测定分析(粗蛋白、粗脂肪、灰分、水分和总细菌数),进而通过对海豚的食性、日食量及食前反应、食后反应等方面的研究,发现了海豚的季节性饮食喜好规律,即海豚在冬天喜欢采食鲐鱼等高能量型鱼类,在夏天喜1欢采食带鱼等低能量型鱼类,首次建立了海豚的饵料投喂、营养补充物质的适量添加及定期进行驱虫、接种疫苗和体格检查等科学饲养管理方法体系。3通过对北太平洋宽吻海豚进行的500余头次的生理指标的测定(直接获得有关数据9000多个),在国内首次建立了多头宽吻海豚的生理指标档案和数据库,主要包括血常规指标、血液生化指标、体温、呼吸频率等45个指标。4在宽吻海豚生理指标档案和数据库基础上,运用了适当的计算方法,结合相应的生理学意义,统计归纳出了宽吻海豚各生理指标的正常阈值和范围,如白细胞的正常阈值为3.797×10~9个/L-11.56×10~9个/L等等,此生理指标阈值范围体系是准确了解海豚机体的生理状况、疾病诊断及治疗的关键依据。5 发现了海豚各生理指标间的相关关系及生理指标与海豚疾病诊断间的关系规律,基本形成了宽吻海豚常见疾病的诊断和防治方法体系,如海豚血液指标中的K~+值降低,白蛋白与球蛋白比值 (A/G)下降,表明海豚机体脱水,电解质代谢紊乱;海豚血液中 的谷草转氨酶、谷丙转氨酶大幅升高,中性粒细胞值上升,胆红素值升高,表明海豚的肝脏功能异常等等。其中,治愈铜绿假单孢菌感染经查新属国际领先水平。6 总结了中国海洋哺乳动物的资源现状,并通过中子活化技术、等离子体耦合原子发射谱技术和原子发射谱技术,对日本下关海豚、秦皇岛海豚、莱州湾海豚和秦皇岛江豚的肌肉、肝脏、肾脏、心脏和肺等样品进行了多元素的测定分析,测出了其中的27种元素的含量,初步建立了中国海洋哺乳动物环境标本库。7 通过对所测海洋哺乳动物器官样品中的元素含量的比较,发现海洋哺乳动物的不同器官富集元素的能力明显不同,各器官的富集能力基本是肝脏 > 肾脏 > 心脏 > 肺 > 肌肉,海兽肌肉不适合作为环境标本库的样品,而肝脏和肾脏较为适合作为海洋哺乳动物环境标本库的样品。8 所测海兽器官样品中的大多元素的含量值与阿拉斯加环境标本库的结果相似,只有Zn、Cu、Pb和Hg的含量远远高于阿拉斯加环境标本库的结果,而与中国人体肝脏的相应元素的含量基本相似。日本下关海豚肝脏中的Cd、Co、Cr、Cu、Pb、V和Zn元素的含量高于秦皇岛海豚和莱州湾海豚肝脏中对应元素的含量,而秦皇岛海豚肝脏中的As、Cu、和Ni的含量又高于莱州湾海豚肝脏中的相应元素的含量。
其他摘要Recently, scientific and public interest in marine mammals has experienced a sharp growth. Porpoises and whales are getting more and more popular in general. Both laboratory research effort and the expanding number of commercial exhibits have increased the number of dolphins held in captivity. On other hand, marine environmental quality is getting worse and warse, marine pollution endangered a lot of marine mammals. This paper included results about more than 5-year experiment concerning diet, caging, behavior, health, husbandry and veterinary of dolphins ( Tursiops gille Dall ) in Qingdao Dolphin Show; Starus resources and the variation trend of marine mammals in China were reviewed; Preliminary study about some dolphin tissue specimen were determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) and other advanced techniques. The main results were as following: 1 It was the first time to set up the parameter system about water quality for the living of dolphins based on 5-year experiments on 10 dolphins in Qingdao Dolphin Show, the normal salinity range was about 29 - 32, normal PH range was 7.8 - 8.2, normal chlorine range was 0.3 - 1.5mg/L, normal dissolved oxygen range was 5.0- 8.8 * 10~(-6), normal ammonia was no more than 1.0 * 10~(-6), the number of fecal coliform bacteria was no more than 200MPN. This work provided experienced foundation on monitoring water quality for feeding marine mammals in China. 2 Through experiment on the nutrient contribution in fish diet, the feeding custom of dolphins was concluded, that was in winter, dolphins like to eat fish with high energy, such as houttuyn; in summer, dolphins turn to like fish with low energy, such as ribbonfish and polynemidae. Based on it, scientific feeding system and other relatively husbandry methods were preliminary formed. 3 It was the first time to build records and databank of physiological indicators of dolphins in captivity in China. The data includes altogether 45 kinds indicators, such as blood clinical parameters, blood biochemistry data, body temperature and the respiration frequency, etc. 4 Normal ranges of each physiological indicators were found according to scientific statistical method and its clinical meaning, for example, normal rangeof WBC was 3.797 * 10~9 / L - 11.56 * 10~9 / L, etc. These normal ranges could indicate what body condition the dolphin was, so, they were very useful for the diagnosis and treatment of dolphin diseases. 5 On base of these normal ranges of physiological indicators, the regular relationship between the value of indicator and disease was found, for example, the decreasing of K~+ concentration and A/G in blood indicated that the blood condensed and the electrolyte metabolization was in disorder; the sharply rise of AST, ALT and DBIL indicated that the liver function of dolphin was in worse condition. Based on it, the veterinary system about diagnosis and treatment of dolphin diseases was gradually formed. 6 On base of practical experience and a thorough review of the existing literature about marine mammals, the status resources and the variation trend of marine mammals in China were conducted; Investigations on organ and tissue specimen, such as liver, kidney, heart, muscle, lung from 4 different dolphins were carried on, 27 elements 6 including biological essential elements and toxic ones in these collected organisms were determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA), atomic emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-AES) and atomic emission spectrometry (AES). It was the first step to set up Chinese Marine Mammal Environmental Specimen Bank. 7 By comparison of the determined elemental contents, it was found that different organs from marine mammals had different elemental accumulation ability, almost all liver > kidney > heart > lung > muscle. So, we suggest that the liver and kidney were the most suitable organ specimen for marine mammal environmental specimen bank, the muscle was unsuitable organ for marine mammal environmental specimen bank, 8 By comparison of the elemental contents in liver and kidney specimen collected from dolphins in Japan Xiaguan, Qin huangdao and Lai zhouwa, we found that most elemental concentrations were very similar to data from Alaska Marine Mammal Bank, but the contents of Zn, Cu, Pb and Hg were much higher than those from Alaska databank, correspondingly, they were much closed to the elemental contents in liver from human beings in China. Among these three dolphins from Japan Xiaguan, Qin huangdao and Lai zhouwa, elemental contents of Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Pb, V and Zn in liver from Japan Xiaguan were much higher than those in Qin huandao and Lai zhouwan, and elemental contents of As, Cu and Ni in liver from Qin huandao were much higher than those in Lai zhouwan.
GB/T 7714
王文琪. 馆养海豚的饲养、疾病防治研究及海洋哺乳动物环境标本库的建立[D]. 中国科学院海洋研究所. 中国科学院海洋研究所,2001.
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