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潮-流相互作用及荣成外海 2021 年赤潮事件的数值模拟研究

潮汐、潮流作为海洋中不可或缺的关键因素,对陆架边缘海的海洋环境有着重要作用,并影响着海洋的动力学特性。以往对于黄、东海环流和潮汐、潮流的模拟已有很多研究成果,但关于潮汐、潮流如何影响黄、东海环流以及近海物质通过对马海峡进入日本海的动力机制尚缺乏深入的研究。同时,黄海的荣成海域在2021年出现了海带异常减产现象,该现象与赤潮密切相关,然而,目前对于该赤潮事件与水动力环境之间的关系尚不清楚。针对以上问题,本文首先建立了高精度的三维区域海洋动力学模式(ROMS, Regional Ocean Model System),并基于数值模式分析了潮汐、潮流对黄、东海环流及其物质通过对马海峡进入日本海影响机制,然后通过建立物理生态耦合模式,分析了山东半岛荣成外海2021年生态灾害的动力学成因。





Tides and tidal currents are indispensable factors in the ocean, playing an important role in the marine environment of the shelf marginal seas and affecting the marine dynamic characteristics. Although there have been many researches on the simulation of circulations, tides and tidal currents in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea, there is still a lack of in-depth research on how tides and tidal currents affect the circulations in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea, as well as the dynamic mechanism of nearshore material entering the Sea of Japan through the Tsushima Strait. Meanwhile, the abnormal reduction of kelp production occurred in Rongcheng area of the Yellow Sea in 2021, which is closely related to the red tide. However, the relationship between the red tide event and the hydrodynamic environment remains unclear. In response to these issues, this study first establishes a high-precision three-dimensional regional ocean dynamic model (ROMS, Regional Ocean Model System). Based on numerical modeling, the study analyzes the influence mechanism of tides and tidal currents on the circulation of the Yellow Sea and East China Sea, as well as the mechanisms influencing the transport of materials through the Tsushima Strait into the Sea of Japan. Subsequently, by establishing a physical-biological coupling model, the study analyzes the dynamic causes of the ecological disaster in the offshore water of Rongcheng, Shandong Peninsula in 2021.

To address the effects of tides and tidal currents on the circulation of the Yellow Sea and East China Sea, as well as the transport of materials through the Tsushima Strait into the Sea of Japan, numerical experiments under different tidal conditions were conducted, including with tides, without tides, and with only barotropic tides. The results indicate significant influences of tides and tidal currents on the circulation of the East China Sea and the transport across the Tsushima Strait. The circulation in the deep water region is less affected by tides, while the circulation in the shallow water region is significantly different. By comparing the results of different simulation experiments, the study discusses the mechanisms of tidal effects on circulation, which has a certain contribution to the simulation process of ocean circulation. Both tidal residual current and the interaction mechanism between tides, tidal currents and circulation collectively affect the ocean circulation in the East China Sea.

The removal of tidal forcing from numerical simulations results in the transport increase of 13% in the Tsushima Strait during summer. To understand the regulatory effect of tidal forcing on the transport in the strait, a dynamic diagnostic analysis was conducted, revealing that variations in sea surface height due to tidal effects are the primary drivers for the transport variations in the Tsushima Strait. Tidal effect can change the pressure gradient by adjusting the sea surface height and reduce the transport through the strait, thus regulating the water exchange intensity between the East China Sea and the Sea of Japan. Additionally, tidal effect can modify the sea level difference between the Taiwan Strait and the Tsushima Strait, consequently affecting transport through the Tsushima Strait. Subsequently, the study discusses the seasonal differences in transport caused by tidal effect, attributing the increased transport during winter to the hindrance of the Yellow Sea Warm Current intrusion into the Yellow Sea by tidal effects, leading to more warm water entering the Sea of Japan through the Tsushima Strait. The above results fully demonstrate the significant role of tidal effect in the simulation of ocean circulation, which has an important influence on the circulation pattern and volume transport in the East China Sea.

Furthermore, a physical-biological coupled model which coupling the ROMS dynamic model of the East China Sea with the RED_TIDE biological scheme is established for the Yellow and Bohai Seas region. Based on this red tide model, various factors influencing the development of red tide are investigated, with a focus on analyzing the key factors contributing to the occurrence of the red tide event in the northern sea area of the Shandong Peninsula in 2021. The aggregation of dinoflagellate cells triggers red tide events. The distribution characteristics and concentration changes of dinoflagellate cells are studied by designing simulation experiments under different conditions to reflect the contributions of various influencing factors to red tide. Analysis of observation data and simulation experiments explores the effects of factors such as light conditions, tidal effect, Yellow River runoff and wind field on the distribution and concentration of dinoflagellate cells. The results demonstrate that the variation of wind field promote the proliferation and aggregation of dinoflagellate cells, serving as key factors in triggering red tide. The occurrence of red tide is a complex ecological phenomenon influenced by multiple factors, necessitating the comprehensive consideration of these factors to more accurately predict and prevent red tide events.


1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究进展及现状 2

1.2.1 黄东海环流研究现状 2

1.2.2 黄东海潮汐与潮流研究现状 8

1.2.3 -流相互作用研究现状 9

1.2.4 山东半岛赤潮研究现状 11

1.2.5 赤潮生理、生化及其形成机制研究现状 13

1.2.6 生态模式研究现状 14

1.3 本文研究内容 15

2章 研究方法 17

2.1 数据介绍 17

2.2 ROMS模式简介 18

2.2.1 控制方程 18

2.2.2 边界条件 19

2.2.3 坐标系统 21

2.2.4 模式网格 21

2.3 生态模式 22

3章 不同潮汐潮流条件在黄东海环流模拟中的作用 25

3.1 模式配置 25

3.2 模式结果验证 27

3.2.1 流场 27

3.2.2 体积输运 28

3.2.3 潮汐 29

3.3 模式结果分析 33

3.3.1 潮汐潮流对环流的作用特征 33

3.3.2 潮汐潮流对于对马海峡流量的作用特征 44

3.4 本章小结 48

4章 潮汐潮流对黄东海环流模拟的影响机制 51

4.1 潮汐潮流对环流的影响机制 51

4.2 潮汐潮流对于对马海峡流量的影响机制 54

4.2.1 驱动流量变化的动力机制 54

4.2.2 与海面高度变化有关的因素 57

4.2.3 冬季对马海峡流量异常变化的影响因素 60

4.3 本章小结 62

5章 山东半岛海域赤潮事件的模拟及影响因素 65

5.1 模式配置 65

5.2 模式结果验证 68

5.3 不同孢囊模拟条件下的甲藻细胞分布 70

5.4 各影响因素对山东半岛海域甲藻细胞浓度的贡献 73

5.4.1 光照条件 73

5.4.2 潮作用 74

5.4.3 黄河径流 75

5.4.4 风场 77

5.5 本章小结 79

6章 总结与展望 81

6.1 创新点与总结 81

6.2 不足与展望 81

参考文献 83

致谢 96

作者简历及攻读学位期间发表的学术论文与其他相关学术成果 98

GB/T 7714
姜雯馨. 潮-流相互作用及荣成外海 2021 年赤潮事件的数值模拟研究[D]. 中国科学院海洋研究所. 中国科学院大学,2024.
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