IOCAS-IR  > 海洋地质与环境重点实验室
Rare earth elements in bottom sediments of major rivers around the Yellow Sea: implications for sediment provenance
Xu, Zhaokai2,3; Lim, Dhongil1; Choi, Jinyong2; Yang, Shouye4; Jung, Hoisoo5
摘要Rare earth elements (REEs) of 91 fine-grained bottom sediment samples from five major rivers in Korea (the Han, Keum, and Yeongsan) and China (the Changjiang and Huanghe) were studied to investigate their potential as source indicator for Yellow Sea shelf sediments, this being the first synthetic report on REE trends for bottom sediments of these rivers. The results show distinct differences in REE contents and their upper continental crust (UCC)-normalized patterns: compared to heavy rare earth elements (HREEs), light rare earth elements (LREEs) are highly enriched in Korean river sediments, in contrast to Chinese river sediments that have a characteristic positive Eu anomaly. This phenomenon is observed also in primary source rocks within the river catchments. This suggests that source rock composition is the primary control on the REE signatures of these river sediments, due largely to variations in the levels of chlorite and monazite, which are more abundant in Korean bottom river sediments. Systematic variations in I LREE pound/I HREE pound ratios, and in (La/Yb)-(Gd/Yb)(UCC) but also (La/Lu)-(La/Y)(UCC) and (La/Y)-(Gd/Lu)(UCC) relations have the greatest discriminatory power. These findings are consistent with, but considerably expand on the limited datasets available to date for suspended sediments. Evidently, the REE fingerprints of these river sediments can serve as a useful diagnostic tool for tracing the provenance of sediments in the Yellow Sea, and for reconstructing their dispersal patterns and the circulation system of the modern shelf, as well as the paleoenvironmental record of this and adjoining marginal seas.; Rare earth elements (REEs) of 91 fine-grained bottom sediment samples from five major rivers in Korea (the Han, Keum, and Yeongsan) and China (the Changjiang and Huanghe) were studied to investigate their potential as source indicator for Yellow Sea shelf sediments, this being the first synthetic report on REE trends for bottom sediments of these rivers. The results show distinct differences in REE contents and their upper continental crust (UCC)-normalized patterns: compared to heavy rare earth elements (HREEs), light rare earth elements (LREEs) are highly enriched in Korean river sediments, in contrast to Chinese river sediments that have a characteristic positive Eu anomaly. This phenomenon is observed also in primary source rocks within the river catchments. This suggests that source rock composition is the primary control on the REE signatures of these river sediments, due largely to variations in the levels of chlorite and monazite, which are more abundant in Korean bottom river sediments. Systematic variations in I LREE pound/I HREE pound ratios, and in (La/Yb)-(Gd/Yb)(UCC) but also (La/Lu)-(La/Y)(UCC) and (La/Y)-(Gd/Lu)(UCC) relations have the greatest discriminatory power. These findings are consistent with, but considerably expand on the limited datasets available to date for suspended sediments. Evidently, the REE fingerprints of these river sediments can serve as a useful diagnostic tool for tracing the provenance of sediments in the Yellow Sea, and for reconstructing their dispersal patterns and the circulation system of the modern shelf, as well as the paleoenvironmental record of this and adjoining marginal seas.
关键词East China Sea Yangtze-river Geochemical Compositions Surface Sediments Suspended Particles Marine-sediments Drainage-basin Mud Deposits Shelf Changjiang
学科领域Geosciences, Multidisciplinary ; Oceanography
被引频次:73[WOS]   [WOS记录]     [WOS相关记录]
作者单位1.Korea Ocean Res & Dev Inst, S Sea Res Inst, Geoje 656830, South Korea
2.Kunsan Natl Univ, Dept Oceanog, Kunsan 573701, South Korea
3.Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Oceanol, Key Lab Marine Geol & Environm, Qingdao 266071, Peoples R China
4.Tongji Univ, Lab Marine Geol, Shanghai 200092, Peoples R China
5.Korea Ocean Res & Dev Inst, Marine Geoenvironm & Resources Res Div, Seoul 425600, South Korea
GB/T 7714
Xu, Zhaokai,Lim, Dhongil,Choi, Jinyong,et al. Rare earth elements in bottom sediments of major rivers around the Yellow Sea: implications for sediment provenance[J]. GEO-MARINE LETTERS,2009,29(5):291-300.
APA Xu, Zhaokai,Lim, Dhongil,Choi, Jinyong,Yang, Shouye,&Jung, Hoisoo.(2009).Rare earth elements in bottom sediments of major rivers around the Yellow Sea: implications for sediment provenance.GEO-MARINE LETTERS,29(5),291-300.
MLA Xu, Zhaokai,et al."Rare earth elements in bottom sediments of major rivers around the Yellow Sea: implications for sediment provenance".GEO-MARINE LETTERS 29.5(2009):291-300.
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